Savitribai Phule Pune University is about to launch a book review portal for everyone, making it easier for the public to share their thoughts on books.
Right now, only professors, students, and librarians can post reviews. But after a recent meeting, they decided to open it up to everyone. It’s part of Maharashtra’s Reading Initiative, which aims to get more people involved in reading and sharing their opinions.
The registrar, Jyoti Bhakare, mentioned that they’ve set up committees of librarians to help with the project. Colleges will guide students and faculty on how to write reviews using a specific format. Then, librarians will upload these reviews to the portal.
A dedicated team has been training librarians to make this happen. About 25 librarians from different colleges will be involved, along with around 80 coordinators. The best part? This service will be free for everyone! So, get ready to share your book thoughts soon!