SPPU Launches India’s First Postgraduate Diploma in Temple Management

Starting February 2025, SPPU offers a unique diploma to train future temple managers

SPPU Launches India’s First Postgraduate Diploma in Temple Management
SPPU Launches India’s First Postgraduate Diploma in Temple Management

Pune: Exciting news from Savitribai Phule Pune University! They’re rolling out a brand-new postgraduate diploma in Temple Management. This is a first for India, and it’s all set to kick off in June 2025 at their Nashik campus.

The university has teamed up with Temple Connect to make this happen. They signed the agreement recently, and it’s a big deal. The course is designed to help students learn the ins and outs of managing temples, covering everything from community engagement to sustainability.

It’s a six-month program, with three months of hands-on classroom training and another three months of internships at various temples. Students will get to dive deep into the practical side of things, learning from experienced professionals in the field.

The Vice-Chancellor, Suresh Gosavi, is really excited about this initiative. He believes it will empower a new generation of temple managers, not just from Maharashtra but from all over India. It’s a fantastic opportunity for anyone interested in this unique field!

Image Credits and Reference: https://www.hindustantimes.com/cities/pune-news/sppu-to-launch-postgraduate-diploma-in-temple-management-101737571336221.html
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