About Us

Welcome to our little corner of the internet! We’re here to bring you the pulse of Pune, straight to your screen. Whether it’s the latest news, upcoming events, or just the buzz around town, we’ve got it covered. Think of us as your friendly neighbor who always has the inside scoop but never gossips.

Our mission? To keep you in the loop without overwhelming you. We believe news should be easy to understand and even easier to access. That’s why we stick to clear, straightforward stories that get to the point. Life’s busy, and we’re here to make sure staying informed isn’t one more chore on your list.

From food festivals and traffic updates to stories about the people who make Pune special, we’re all about celebrating our city. Pune is a mix of tradition and modernity, and we aim to reflect that in everything we do. We’re proud to call this city home, and we want you to feel that pride too.

We’re not some big corporate machine. We’re just a group of folks passionate about Pune and storytelling. We’re here to start conversations, spark ideas, and maybe even make you smile along the way. Your trust means the world to us, and we’re committed to earning it every day.

Got a story idea? Found something awesome in the city? We’d love to hear from you. Drop us a line at dodoxler+unesar@gmail.com, and we’ll get back to you faster than you can say “Vada Pav.” Let’s stay connected and make Pune’s story one worth sharing.