Pune’s weather today is warm with a starting temperature of 17.13 °C. Check out the full forecast and air quality updates for January 18, 2025.
Humidity is low at 27%, and the wind is blowing at 27 km/h. The sun rose early at 07:09 AM and will set around 06:19 PM. So, you have plenty of daylight to enjoy.
Looking ahead, tomorrow’s forecast shows a slight increase in temperature. Expect a low of 17.48 °C and a high of 30.16 °C. Humidity will be around 29%.
Today’s air quality index (AQI) is at 170, which is moderate. If you have respiratory issues, it’s best to limit outdoor activities. Staying informed about the AQI helps you plan your day better.
For the next week, the weather looks mostly clear with a few clouds here and there. So, grab your sunglasses and enjoy the sunshine while it lasts!